- Hypes & grypes
Miljan > a job! big impact on life ~ release > has an effect on the body ! plan more - struggleing with free time. Protest of rationalization. brain behaves differently / some expo is coming / etching in school is timulating. I feel steadiness in the tunnel
Marthe > horizon nog voor de ogen, aanpassen, wel blij met privé somswel onrustig niet zo duidelijk waarom: ik word ook 40 ~ i also smoke joints - while my harddrive is recovering
Paul > okay, druk geweest, wel verhuizen dus niets waar hij naar 'uitziet' - living out of the suitcase - home, still digesting ! main concern: next years ~
- events :
9/10/11 dec > 40 sagittarius
* warn the neighbours
* food ? figerfood, pancakes
* more detailed event soon,
17 january
6/7 january orthodox xmas
- architecterface meeting ? how to fuction - 3/4week january
- fieldstation : master students architecture
- lodgers; ivo december: when?
* _ptr: when?
INCREASEo/month ::: gaz +50! - water + 40! -electricteit +20! - total costs of resources : 55.5+190+102.79 = 348;29
contributions: pig (only 40 euro after 2months) > we paid the chimney (60euro) curtains (60euro) (200euro) > no washing, (cleaning products check!)
Renewal rental agreement:: Miljan, Paul : how long is the contract of miljan, paul wants a year.
does S14 become a transitional place ~
what if /residency 3-6months > semi-inhabitant ? is there a role
subhabitant : substituting the eenrgy work force of (take over all characteristics of the main habitanat
good actor : good communication in urgencies.
guest ? are introduced to manual > and maybe taken care of by 'fudrasig events'
it has be more than diner > a gathering, salon ~ with extra value !
Terrain -slachthuislaan /
*- 2m2- 250 height 2/3m.
*- 6m -1 - 2/3m
*- 2 tables + platform
*-big shelves ? (after 18th of december)
miljan : vitrage ~ slava - serbian diner - 'supporting the moving' - arranging bike place for live > it is being kind ! washing - make home
paul: corner cleansing - feng shui - car checking oil/tyre - michel follow up - home / cupboard
martin: chimney, water leaking,
EXTRA? Luminus comfort service: http://www.luminus.be/nl/prive/home-solutions/comfort-service/#tab2
media cave - fix ladder to wall > weld 4 elements (Bramborry?)
* - front gate - (pieter)
*- rescue networked harddrive - cloud
laundry saloon - fix dryer better - paul
ground floor - make curtains ( 23/11 > mama)
* - remove wall > paint + (find temporary solution) miljan /
* - kitchen extra space : https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdiy.sndimg.com%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Fimages%2Fdiy%2Ffullset%2F2011%2F12%2F16%2F0%2FOriginal_Pot-Rack-ladder-finished-close-up_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.1280.960.jpeg&f=1
*- fix light bathroom(TL)
*-bovenlicht (measure - have it cut +plexi) fake plafond - mirror glass ( Paul _monday ..; measure) (ground layer)
Studiofloor - staircase
*PAINT (miljan) (2layers ( ground))(6-8h)
*- make hatch ? comission?
Room unit - sliding door > ?
*- suggest finish dooropening > paul / next week
*- fix lime > january ? confirm leemniscaat
*- finding clips groud boiler ?
*- boiler - 20 cm - 27th of december
Topfloor -
Kitchen - pyramid
boomsesteenweg alu
Car repair ?
Electricity > Michel
Water reservoir
a goat ? needs more space
broken speakers
- to be discussed next plenum
(Site generated by E2H, an "Etherpad hypermedia" project by @dcht00).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.