S14_nextmeeting 30/08

guest - cleanup room ---- 5-15sept -- off/on ---- contribution?
?? 31th end of october ???
?? palomo didnt answer - let's forget palomo --
/// beginning sept ///

contract -
ghosts are possible --- not mandatory -- / 
leaving ? more intense -- / sacrifice
no --- / stay financially 

annonce politics 
not identity politics --- open to boundaries
---- willingness / in solidarity with our queer needs / - develop on it
////////  ?underpriviliged people?

what can you contribute according to however difficulties how much capable - 
if you would contribute the community & the maintenance house more contribution would be welcome
12 euro


-- hypes grypes
/ yufei = i have en expo/exhibition in march ++ milan in april - summer
getting connection and opportunities, never believed i was going to be such a succefull  artist/designer
anxiety in creativity --- when something new +++  
/ yi = had a break from school and went to friends place and got in touch in Xr ---  ( extinction rebellion) community /
--- self organized protest group for climate justice --  peacefull (art/social engagment) aim to join art group
home in eindhoven feels disconnected and loose my motivation when i am alone   -- improve -- steps try to make schedule 
because unfocused 
/ zoe = weird state of mind - past week hard to function - snapped out of it because i feel more human... but is a bit hard my mental health,  want to quit job and i have some options ::  have a little residency. happy  
was sick - my body - it is a month.  "spring and morning can be difficult for depression"
communal moment or is isolation harmful - oversimulation 
xm/ a bit stressed responsiblity
mother,emtional labor,triggers,care for her,hard to follow her,miorrowing each other,shift mind easaly,a litte bit time for myself,feel scared,the house,oil finshed,try to have a break,hulahop is nice,enjoy the studio,

/ xm =

-- house check
// locate beep --
// check water temp -- 
// we 3 weeks for the report 
-- maintenance
-- planning
yufei coping
** garden / eline **

** perceel 25 //  ? 1/2 march ? -- 
** food -- / try!!
** events ---- 7/9 march

9/10 - 16:00
scraps from libreoffice
9/10 - 16:00

        hypes & grypes
        - zoe / breakup – paranoid bugss – agitated/irritaed –         sensitive
        - fareed / chllenging times, started therapy, realisations. Looking         forward to middle of november for the piece I am working for. For         the rest ok.         
        - xm /  a little tense, quite smoking. Happy to back in antwerp and         try difference between private space and living.         
        - sally - mediator

        - report of broken objects  (boiler 0.5, 0, …)         
        - door not well closing
 feedback on         communal proposal/list zoe >>>  FOLLOW UP
        - usb to minijack ? buy one
        -/  leaving

--- /         
PAY BACK RENT 12         MONTH -
1200         – 1/MONTH – BEFORE 1 NOV
MOVE - 1 NOV (WEEK         -  6TH )            
STUFF – PACK ALL         ( MOVE OF 4/5TH)
SALLY calls to         cgcke in and remind
----     20TH OF         OCTOBER         


1200 – 1/MONTH –         BEFORE 1 NOV
MOVE -  LAST WEEK         ( after 30  november )
pay rent of 400         euro

transport -          kurijn         
activate it ?

a couple of days         before hand



- EVALUATING         scenario ///  - DONE (LINK THE ROOM)

18 – NOVEMBER          


        - pe juices
        - pot +  contribution of yufei ? check
        - garden - oven - stuck - 3D / 2D - sent by email ?  deadline -         14th september -- NEVER RECEIVED
        - rent /facility  - FAREED - 
        - impro
        - sagitarius party here --- / 
        - playmobiel /




pes & grypes
- zoe /
- fareed /  
- xm /
- sally - mediator

- report of broken objects  (boiler 0.5, 0, ...)
- feedback on communal proposal/list zoe >>>  FOLLOW UP
- usb to minijack ? buy one

- grape juices
- pot +  contribution of yufei ? check
- garden - oven - stuck - 3D / 2D - sent by email ?  deadline - 14th september -- NEVER RECEIVED
- rent /facility  - FAREED - 
- impro
- sagitarius party here --- / 
- playmobiel /


hypes & grypes

zoe - hello -  i am tired and don't wanna start --- feel better --- i had a dip - but i feel more energized and wake up as a human and try to stay busy and bam bam slam has energy - tattoo is nice.    
and want to make calendar by hand to get most out the afterwork
xm - i am shaking - week famialal transfer -  covid - prepare/process work - takes energy feel like continuing collective praxis
fareed - dont have a lot to stay trying process/access -- checkups on health --- doctors / no access to emotions and don't know how to talk about it - i feel unresolved about it -  bam bam slam nice - i was overwhelmed about amount of people but it gave energy - new experience  ----- i have been writing the papers things are getting really serious with the piece. (18 nov) was about to cancel it but don't wanna go there.

- what broke / cup with the faces - brown flower pot -  hulahoop - light laundry / 1th basement light / light fire ? / 
- kitchen fridge / upstairs / still products  -- needs trashbag
- liberate woodstoaf - plants / ( frist floor -- repotting)
- process stuff in hallway -- / propose + move basement
- lay out living room -- / like before - feels natural together 
- maintenace - drawers / clean >>>> list // zoe / each task part / SOME DONE

- lost guitar ???  borrowed it ? found it in duffel have to take it 
- move yufei stuff ? xm but yfei said she has a friend who drives to endhoven and maybe is going to ask in the last 2 weeks of september
- cupboard done but needs extra care

15 sep - ?/-/5 oct - 27th (1 day here) berlin / drive to south of france
end oct - ? GRAZ -- / oslo / austria 
4/09 - back in S14 >> (10/09) omar place + back and forward to Brussels (workflow)
5 september omar is back / being with the lugages
yufei wants to stay wednesday 6(together), thursday 7 (? cook ?) , friday 8  can contribute cooking, money, hair cutting
(connecting infrastructure) - solder vinyl / wireless headphones ? /  well /  painting family portrait / ***
27 oct - 29/30th oct Amsterdam   -- rest --  if an appartment is free -- 
3 sept - this sunday -- workshop in fameus - maquettes - day was not correct

- garden - oven - stuck - 3D / 2D - sent by email ?  deadline - 14th september -- october
- grocery/have list - none - salt
- rent /facility 

- impro
- sagitarius party here --- / 


hypes & grypes
- zoe ---/ first holiday not looking forward for returning to work -- some disturbance -- more responsibility / culture sector
- xm ----/ here, doing work so feels good that i finish things and have time - planning chaotic
- fareed ----/ out of the bubble -  finding better system - being more present - looking for a job 
(residency - ( 15/07-08/08) til november +++  priority stability - work and safe money +++   miss dating/partnerships/



plan// together // 

door -  (was open) ( key boll -- more obvious) - for sure not change lock -- ? kurijn ? - ?? changed?? if you pass --
washing machine? water - only 1   / surlf inside drying off - outside on a rack
freezer / be gentle
smoking /
chair / you can't stack them --- water proof / do want spray othe chairs ( to find spray cans)
food / process -- 
staircase / 
cleaning / toilet washingwaterfall ground floor
oil ?  
trashbags ?
rain - / waterton / check basement - ? regenton ? mosquito's

- xm (tbc) 18 - 25/07 // south france
- zoe 11/07 -  21/07 // italy
- fareed 7-16/07  /bxl up and down
- fareed (tbc)  - egypt?
- ?? CAMPING ??? -  29/30/31/07  tbc
- xm -  21-27/08 

CAMPING 789/07 § not available


perceel 25 /  
chairs / ? S14 - collective -- 03/7  1pm
garden element / pizza / kurijn

family / kinship ? adding to human social relations by absence
family / not sensitive/vulnerable place  -  i do feel comfortable
xm younger sibling
zoe ?

- social tarif finished from > 30 percent more expensive
- raise our rent ?

130 euro
175 euro

81 euro

- promo  --- / 


Xm - family vortex
Zoe - tired, relaxed finding flow in the world, taking time
No wow wow. I set vacation 10-20 july.
Fareed - trying to find my own rhythm. I am moody - emotional stability. May is busy (jury, expo, writings). Don't suppress but work on it. I am calm but emotional rollercoaster (the reasons I know but need patience but have understanding e.g.family missing)

invited:  fareed zoe marthe
confirmed:  / ALL /

- zoe: content - relaxed / excited - tattoo - slowly taking time - spring/sun is coming - feel the tension in the house - we can resolve
- marthe:family crisis, traumatic existence, no more capacity to take extra responsablities, need more space of time and head space, preparing for amestrdam work, need of relaxing space, cleaness, involved in a lot of collectivity. 
- fareed: working a lot on projects it is going in a good place - ups and downs - we had good times, nice breaks. study is priority and work is a bit of a hassle -  stress in house/ dont wanna be paranoid and anxious. sleep helps.

- plans received
- march - 300 ::  (family supports)   --- / 
fareed talks film about S14:: filming from dance - inside/outside world / inner child /memories - reality / imagiary worlds as kids
- will get an invitation  for exhibition

Ecological concern. (Windows open, lights on, rooms/laundryroom ...)

Signal-reply on messages
- wooden rack 
- filth everywhere
- ...

 >> no respect - mess  - when we come back - always same people same tasks 





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